External Competition Information
Thornbury Camera Club enters a number of external competitions throughout the year
The Tom Crowe Challenge - Cancelled for this year
This is an annual digital competition between invited clubs in memory of Tom Crowe who was a former Thornbury Camera Club chairman
The Rules
Images must have a landscape dimension not greater than 1600 pixels wide, and portrait images must not be greater than 1200 pixels high. Images must be JPEG files using sRGB colour space. Number of entries from each club shall be 8 (eight) images each from a different photographer. Within the 8 images, at least 1 (one) images shall be in the following 4 (four) categories:-
[L] LANDSCAPE countryside, city etc
[P] PORTRAIT people or animals
[C] CREATIVE fantasy, abstract
[N] NIGHT night or low light photographs
The remaining 4 images can be in any of the above or yet another Category. Please title the images with their title followed by the photographer’s name.
What TCC members need to do.
Please send no more than 10 images for consideration, sized 1600x1200, complete with title. Clearly identify which of your images are being submitted for which relevant set subject category, otherwise they will be presumed to be for the Open categories. This can be by either a list of the image titles with the category noted in alongside, or the category noted in the title in brackets - eg "My image (Creative)_Joe Blogs.jpg"
Send your entries to the External Competition Secretary on the email below by no later than the closing date.
Any questions or queries then please email the External Competition Secretary: [email protected]
WCPF Inter-Club Competition (previously known as DPIC)
This is the annual Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) annual Inter-Club Championship
As of 2023 the WCPF have created the Inter-Club Competition with two sub-categories for each club to provide entries – one for digital images and one for prints. In each category a photographer can only have their images submitted by one club.
Please check the online Programme and your email for the current submission deadline
Thornbury has entered the PDI competition every year since it’s inauguration ( which is lost in the mists of time, well the early 2000’s). The judging for the event typically takes place in Exeter in February.
As per previous years the club needs your images to create its entry. They need to follow the competition’s usual format of images sized no greater than 1600 x 1200 in sRGB colour space.
Please ensure that none of the images have been submitted into previous DPIC or other WCPF competitions, as the image(s) will be automatically disqualified.
Please send no more than 10 images to the External Competition Secretary: ([email protected]) From all of the submitted entries, 18 will be chosen to be entered for the competition.
Please note that entrants cannot enter for more than one club.
Images need to have IMPACT as they are only seen on the screen for 7 seconds. Below is an award winning image from this year’s competition to give an example of an image that scores well.
Link to the WCPF Inter-Club Competition page - https://www.thewcpf.com/inter-clubchampionships
Link to Inter-Club Competition and PAGB rules
WCPF PrintComp 2023 - NEW
The PrintComp rules are 15 prints per club.
Of these
at least 5 must be Mono Prints,
at least 5 must be Colour Prints
and they must be from at least 5 different photographers.
There can be no more than 4 prints per photographer and no more than 4 Nature Prints.
For those of you that are members of more than one club in the WCPF, please note that a photographer can only have entries in the competition from one club (i.e. the photographer cannot have images entered into the competition from two or more clubs)
Prints must be mounted on boards 500 x 400mm. Any image that has been previously used in the WCPF Inter Club Print Competition is not eligible and must not be included in a club’s entry.
We have a new challenge in the selection of images in these two competitions since it is strongly advised the same image does not appear in both types of entry for the club.
As of 2023 the WCPF have created the Inter-Club Competition with two sub-categories for each club to provide entries – one for digital images and one for prints. In each category a photographer can only have their images submitted by one club.
Please check the online Programme and your email for the current submission deadline
Thornbury has entered the PDI competition every year since it’s inauguration ( which is lost in the mists of time, well the early 2000’s). The judging for the event typically takes place in Exeter in February.
As per previous years the club needs your images to create its entry. They need to follow the competition’s usual format of images sized no greater than 1600 x 1200 in sRGB colour space.
Please ensure that none of the images have been submitted into previous DPIC or other WCPF competitions, as the image(s) will be automatically disqualified.
Please send no more than 10 images to the External Competition Secretary: ([email protected]) From all of the submitted entries, 18 will be chosen to be entered for the competition.
Please note that entrants cannot enter for more than one club.
Images need to have IMPACT as they are only seen on the screen for 7 seconds. Below is an award winning image from this year’s competition to give an example of an image that scores well.
Link to the WCPF Inter-Club Competition page - https://www.thewcpf.com/inter-clubchampionships
Link to Inter-Club Competition and PAGB rules
WCPF PrintComp 2023 - NEW
The PrintComp rules are 15 prints per club.
Of these
at least 5 must be Mono Prints,
at least 5 must be Colour Prints
and they must be from at least 5 different photographers.
There can be no more than 4 prints per photographer and no more than 4 Nature Prints.
For those of you that are members of more than one club in the WCPF, please note that a photographer can only have entries in the competition from one club (i.e. the photographer cannot have images entered into the competition from two or more clubs)
Prints must be mounted on boards 500 x 400mm. Any image that has been previously used in the WCPF Inter Club Print Competition is not eligible and must not be included in a club’s entry.
We have a new challenge in the selection of images in these two competitions since it is strongly advised the same image does not appear in both types of entry for the club.
3 Way Battle
This is a day's photoshoot competition for digital projected images between Thornbury, Sodbury and Yate, and Crossbow. Each club chooses the venue for a year and the idea is for the three clubs to spend the day in the defined location taking photographs. Photographers can go individually or in groups, at any time in the 24 hour period. The photo shoot usually takes place on a Sunday in May, and the judging in the following September (by the host club).
Each club chooses its best 25 images and they are then sent to the host club who arranges for an external judge. The images are then finally shown and judged at an evening organised by that year's host club.
Historically, this photoshoot used film and only two films were "issued" to each club, the idea being to get the best pictures as seen on the day. With the decline in slide film use and the rise in digital imaging the competition has had to move to the latter medium and so some simple rules now apply. Images are not allowed to be "manipulated", other than by cropping or balancing brightness, contrast, and colour balance. Parts of the image may not be removed, substituted or added to.
Each club chooses its best 25 images and they are then sent to the host club who arranges for an external judge. The images are then finally shown and judged at an evening organised by that year's host club.
Historically, this photoshoot used film and only two films were "issued" to each club, the idea being to get the best pictures as seen on the day. With the decline in slide film use and the rise in digital imaging the competition has had to move to the latter medium and so some simple rules now apply. Images are not allowed to be "manipulated", other than by cropping or balancing brightness, contrast, and colour balance. Parts of the image may not be removed, substituted or added to.